Sewage Treatment Plant (STP)
Sewage treatment is the process that removes the majority of the
contaminants from waste-water or sewage and produces both a liquid effluent suitable
for disposal to the natural environment and sludge.
Technologies in STP
ASP (Activated Sludge Process)
FBBR (Fluidized bed Bio Reactor) or MBBR (Moving Bed Bio Reactor)
SBR (Sequential Batch Reactor)
Treating Toilet waste
Canteen waste
Bath waste
Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP)
Most companies operate effluent treatment plants to reduce the potential for pollution
of receiving waters and to comply with discharge consent conditions.
Technologies in ETP
ASP (Activated Sludge Process)
FBBR (Fluidized bed Bio Reactor) or MBBR (Moving Bed Bio Reactor)
SBR (Sequential Batch Reactor)
Treating all types of industrial effluents
Reverse Osmosis (RO)
Reverse Osmosis process will allow the removal of particles as small as an ion
from a solution.It is used to remove the total dissolved solids.
Treating bore water, sea water, Corporation water
Treating brackish water, Tap water, Generator feed water
Treating effluent water & Production of Drinking water
Softener Plant
Softening by ion exchange resin is also known as Base Exchange softening. It is the
most common and probably the easiest method of removing hardness (that is calcium &
magnesium) from water and renders the water suitable for utility purpose. As the name
implies ion exchange is a process in which undesirable ions are exchanged for more
desirable ions.
Production of water fit for domestic purposes
Production of water fit for industrial purposes eg. Cooling Towers
Pretreatment of RO feed water
Ultra filtration
Ultra filtration is a separation process using membranes.
Pretreatment of RO Systems
Surface Water Application
Water Treatment Plant
It is used to remove the suspended solids.
In Mineral Water industry
Pre-treatment for RO systems
Surface Water Application
Final Treatment in STP and ETP
Iron Removal Plant
It is used to remove the suspended solids & iron particles.
In Mineral Water industry
Drinking Water
Surface Water Application
Pre- filtration for RO
Mineral Water Plant
It is used for drinking water.
Treating Tap,Bore ,Well,Sea & Brackish water
Production of Drinking water
Wet scrubber is a form of pollution control technology. The term describes a variety of
devices that remove pollutants from a furnace flue gas or from other gas streams. In a wet
scrubber, the polluted gas stream is brought into contact with the scrubbing liquid, by
spraying it with the liquid, by forcing it through a pool of liquid, or by some other contact
method, so as to remove the pollutants.
Demineralization Plant
Demineralization or deionization is the process of removing dissolved salts
from water by using Ion Exchange Resin. Basically Ion exchange demineralization is a two
step process with both Cation and Anion resin. The raw water called influent water is first
passed through the Cation resin bed containing SAC Resin in H + form. Ca , Mg & Na are
removed and the salts are converted to their respective acids .
Treating Boiler Feed water
Production of water for industrial use
Production of water for Power Plant Generators
Hydro Pneumatic System
A domestic & industrial water supply system in which water is pumped from the supply
system into a pressure tank for storage. Air in the tank is compressed by the water entering
the tank. As the pressure in the tank increases, the pressure in the water distribution
system also increases, since it is fed from the tank.
Commercial Offices and Industries
Clubs & Sports Complex
Residential requirement
Restaurants & Hotels
Food Joints & Resorts
Water Treatment Plants
Evaporator is used to remove TDS present in the water.
Surface Water Application
Removes TDS
Removal of heavy metals from wastewater
Nano Filtration
Nano filtration is a form of filtration that uses membranes to preferentially separate
different fluids or ions.
Surface Water Application
Removal of metals, ions present in waste water